Saturday, January 11, 2014


Ever since the New Year hit, I’ve been seeing all over the place people choosing a single word to live by for the entirety of the year. I don’t know how I’ve missed this until now. When I saw it, I fell in love with the idea.

I think we could all use a word to grow in. A word to draw us closer to our Savior. A word to shape us into better people, to make us more like Him. Something to use as the foundation of our year, to expand on.

I knew I wanted a word.

I was reading a blog post on it on New Year’s day and made this decision. Just a few hours later, I was saying my prayers for the night and not even thinking about this new idea. While praying for a friend to have strength and courage, my words halted.


The word flashed in my mind’s eyes like a neon sign. It stuck to my brain and would not let loose. I could not think of anything else. Courage. . .courage. . .courage. . . That single word ran through my head over and over again. That’s when I knew.

God gave me a word.

In His amazing love, He showed me immediately, without me even asking, the word He wants me to live by for 2014.

He wants me to Be Courageous.

Sometimes I’m not courageous at all. Most of the time, in fact. I’ll get in my little comfort zone and not have the courage to venture out, to explore His mighty plans for me. I fall into this far, far too often, these past couple of years especially. I like being comfortable, living in my happy, quiet little world. But there is so much more out there. It takes great courage to be a child of Christ. We cannot live for Him if we’re unwilling to step out into the world bravely.

The word excited me. I do like to be comfortable, but deep down there’s an adventurous side to me that longs for moments to reach for my courage. It’s also a bit terrifying. What’s going to come upon me this year that will take courage to face?

But the wonderful thing about courage is that it’s not something I draw from myself, but HIM. THE LORD is my courage. And no matter what comes my way, He will always be there to lean on, to draw strength from, to give me COURAGE.

I’m extremely excited about 2014. I have a feeling God has great plans for me. New, wonderful things. And through them I want to be COURAGEOUS.

“Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord.”
Psalm 31:24

Be Courageous


  1. Excellent word for this year, Lauri!! Joshua 1:9 has long been a favorite of mine, but I think I shall have to add that verse from Psalms to my rather lengthy list of favorites. :)

    1. I am quite excited about it. ^_^ God is so good! Oh yes, Joshua 1:9 is definitely a favorite of mine as well! I had a hard time choosing a "courage" verse. God's Word is full of so much encouragement it's impossible to choose just one, but I like this one in Psalms so much. <3

  2. Marvelous! God will never cease to amaze me. Isn't it amazing He know JUST what we need and at what time? Wonderful post!

    1. Amen to that! He amazes me every single day of my life with His love and grace and mercy. It's just mind blowing how He'll show us just what we need right when we need it. He is so wonderful!!!


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