
Book Reviews

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  1. Hi! I really like the way you do your reviews! I'm not sure if you enjoy books in the Christian contemporary genre, but I'd love it if you could review mine! The link is here: Paralyzed Dreams. Thanks, I hope you'll check it out! :)

    1. Aww, thank you!

      Oh, how exciting you have a book out! That looks like a very sweet story. Thank you for sharing. I'd love to read it sometime. ^_^

    2. Thank you! :) I hope you get the chance to.

  2. I just discovered your blog and absolutely love it! It's a little scary how closely our lives parallel each other (I'm a 23-year-old author, home school graduate, fantasy-lover, and have been writing for a decade and a half). My greatest passion lies in creating fun, gripping stories that make you fall in love with the characters as they struggle to overcome their pasts and discover faith. My latest novel "Chasing Shadows" was recently released, and I would love if you would review it. I also really enjoy doing "character" and author interviews. If you're interested, you can email me at
    Thank you so much!
    -Ashley Townsend

    1. Awww, I'm honored for you to say so! That's so cool! I love finding like-minded people. ^_^

      Oh yes, those are the very best stories! Yours looks absolutely riveting, these are definitely something I want to check out. I'll shoot you an email about it!

  3. Ooooh I love book reviews! You have 100 Cupboards on here! I really liked that book series. XD

    1. I'm glad to hear it! I do try to review books now and again. Though I don't review nearly as many as I should...

      100 Cupboards was sooo fun! I've yet to read the rest of the books but I really, really want to! Someday I'm totally gonna finish the trilogy. *nods*

  4. Thanks for all the reviews! I hadn't heard of lots of these, but have now added lots to my tbr.
    Do you think you'd want to do a review for The Man He Never Was by James Rubart?

    1. Awww! You're so welcome! Always happy to add books to people's TBRs. Bwahaha!

      I've never heard of that book before, but I just looked it up and it looks very intriguing! Honestly, I don't do reviews a whole lot. Only occasionally when someone asks me to review their book and it looks interesting and I have time will I take it on. XD In general, reviewing honestly isn't my favorite. (Shhh, don't tell anyone. *COUGH*)

    2. I was running out of ideas for what to read, but ever since I've read your reviews, my tbr hasn't been empty. xP

      It does seem very intriguing! That's surprising! You write them so well and so thoroughly that I thought you loved reviewing! :P (I won't tell a soul *cough cough*)

    3. That's so great! XD

      Awwww! That so nice of you to say! I have gotten where I like doing them a bit more than I used to. I think it's not so much the writing them as having the obligation. When I read a book, I want to just read it with no obligations attached. When I read a book for review, it almost feels more like a chore than for fun. Does that make sense? I don't know, I'm so weird. XD

    4. I know! Who wants to be a bookless wanderer?? xD

      Yeah, I understand that completely! When you have an obligation to read the book, it takes the fun out of it. Then it seems like one more thing to add to your to-do list. I'd feel the exact same way!

    5. Having no book to read is the worst fate a bookworm can have!

      Precisely! I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. Lol!
