
About Me

Hello! I’m Christine Smith, a twenty-something, homeschool graduate who believes in fairies, checks her closet daily for Narnia, wishes she had pointed ears, and has every intention of owning a pet dragon someday.

I’m an ENFJ/ESFJ (because apparently my personality is too indecisive to just be one type, psh), the middle child of three, collect waaay more books than I have time to read (like that’ll stop me), and probably watch too much Doctor Who (jk, you can never watch DW too much).

One day I thought it’d be fun to write a book. Seventeen years and much caffeine later, I’m still writing. Stories are my life—reading, writing, watching, whatever it may be. I read and write primarily YA novels, and refuse to stop however old I get. I love tales grand and epic and whimsical and beautiful. Fantasy is my love, and Tolkien is my hero.

But my greatest hero is my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. His story is my favorite. And the best adventure of all is letting Him sweep me off on His plans for my life.




  1. LAURIIII. I LOVE THAT PICTURE OF YOU. *glomples* You're so pretty!!!!

    Love the set-up of this page, by the way! ^_^

    1. *le gasp* What's this? A short comment? I NEVER LEAVE SHORT COMMENTS. Savor this moment because it won't happen again any time soon. XDDD


      Lol! I adore your long comments, just so you know. I love talking to meh Mary! (Goodness knows I leave monstrous comments. o.o)

  2. Hi Christine! I just started reading your blog, and you have a WONDERFUL personality! It makes everyone feel close to you from the start!! =)

    Jaidyn Elise

    1. Well, that is, without a doubt, one of the sweetest things anyone has ever said to me. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I'm really, really glad. I love making friends and being approachable! ^_^

    2. You are SO very VERY welcome!!!!!

      =D Me too!!

      All your posts are amazing and fun! I can totally see why everybody loves you. =)
      Jaidyn Elise


      Jaidyn Elise

  3. CHRISTINE. You posted a new picture - you're so pretty! Love your new About Me page! (and do tell if you ever get a pet dragon - I want one too! XD)

    1. Oh you precious thing! THANK YOU. <333 (Maybe I can get a pair of dragons and go into the dragon raising business! ;D)

  4. HEYYY homeschoolers FTW! <3 I'll be a homeschool grad in just one year ;) Dude, if you've actually completed and published a YA book, I NEED TO GET MY HANDS ON IT OKAY. The last YA novel I read by a fellow homeschooler (Chasing Jupiter) was amaaazing and of course I need to support my fellow writers (especially the homeschooler ones!)

    So glad I found your blog! ^_^

    O | Life as a Young Lady

    1. Heeeeey! :D It's always great finding fellow homeschoolers!

      Oh my goodness, that is the sweetest thiiiiing!!! IF I ever get published, it'll be a long way down the road, but your encouragement helps me push forward. Seriously, I'm smiling so big right now. <3 (And I've been curious about Chasing Jupiter for a while! Apparently I need to try this thing!)

      I'm honored to have you on my little corner of the interwebz, you sweet thing! <3

  5. *gasps* I'm the middle of three! And a homeschooler! What?!

    Maybe our dragons could be friends ;)

    1. Whaaaaat??? :O TOTAL TWINSIES.

      I love it! We can give them play dates. Because hoarding gold and eating people is much more fun with two. *nods*

  6. Hey Christine! I know it seems weird that some random girl named Lostfairy is commenting but I'm Tracey's sister. And I randomly wanted to comment. :P

    Wow, that picture of you is really beautiful! You look gorgeous, if you don't mind me saying so. ;)

    Let me see our similarities... For fun. XD

    -I am homeschooled but haven't graduated. I'm only in starting high school next year. XD
    -I believe in fairies. ;) (Maybe because I AM a fairy that is lost from my home...)
    -I would love pointed ears. So I can look like Link or Zelda from Legend of Zelda. Please give me pointed ears. XD
    -I want a pet dragon. I mean, who wouldn't?! I could travel on it and go visit some of my faraway friends.
    -I write but I literally only started last summer. Don't ask me what I write about cause it'll make me look like a nerdy little 5 year-old. XD
    -Jesus Christ is also my hero and my comfort. :)

    Sorry for randomly bursting in. I should probably go now before I make myself look like Tracey's annoying littlest sister that says "XD" way too often. XD

    1. AAAAAHHHHH!!! HELLO. How exciting to have one of Tracey's sisters over here on my blog!

      Oh my goodness, girl, THANK YOU! I've been actually thinking it's getting time to update my pics. They're not very high quality. XD

      EEP. I love all our similarities! It's very exciting to have a fairy commenting on my blog, because they're obviously the BEST. And yes, having pointed ears like Link or Zelda is the dream!

      Don't even think about apologizing. It absolutely made my day to see you come over to my blog. You're so sweet! ^_^ (And XD is my favorite emoji and I use it like every other sentence. I will never, ever judge someone for using it a lot. XD <---See?)

    2. ^.^ Hehe! That made me smile! XD

      You're so welcome! :D I personally think that the photos you have for your profile and such are really beautiful. The quality of the photo is like a different style of photo or something. XD

      Yeah, we seem to have a lot in common, looking at the list. :D Hehe, and this fairy sure enjoys your blog as well. ;) I love Legend of Zelda games and graphic novels. (I kinda stink at the games at times but oh well!)

      Aww, thank you! ^-^ And it made MY day to see your reply back to my comment. (I told Tracey I commented and she was like "WHERE, LEMME SEE IT!!!" XD)

      LOL, I have had people say I use XD too much. But who cares? ^.^

      Ah, I feel like it's okay to 'spill' what I write... I mean, you could easily find out by clicking on my profile and finding my blog, which is about a popular game called Animal Jam. But in my story, it's about all of Animal Jam being a high school and I'm the main character. All my other Animal Jam blogger friends are in there was well. As well as the Animal Jam YouTubers... :P

      That's basically what I write. I may want to write a more... real life story sometime. ^.^

    3. Lol! Well, I'm certainly glad you like the photos! They were taken on my old phone's awful camera, and have filters on them so...they definitely look different. XD

      We do! And yes, ZELDA IS THE BEEEST. I'm actually obsessing over the newest one (Breath of the Wild) right now and it's a problem 'cause I always have other things I need to do... But but but ZELDA.

      Hahaha! That's funny Tracey had to see. (Hiiii, Tracey, if you're reading this! *waves*)

      XD is the best emoticon and has every right to be used often. *nods seriously*

      Oooh, that's so cool you write stories about your favorite game! And how you add your friends and YouTuber there as well. That's awesome! And I've heard starting out writing with fanfiction type things is a fantastic way to get your feet wet with writing, so if you ever do write something else, you'll be all familiar with the world of writing and ready to dive in! ^_^

    4. Hiiii Christine! I am reading this! You guys are the best and your conversation made me smile. <3

    5. Lolzy! Hiii! *waves* Glad to make you smile. Now you're making ME smile. ^_^

  7. "...enslaved by my fluffy gray poodle..." --I'm basically my cat's slave. He won't stop bothering until I take him to his food bowl, he wakes me up by licking plastic bags (used to pull my hair with his teeth in the morning), and I'm his target for who to attack. Oh, and I can't forget this, he leads me to one of our steps (my sis trained him to go there if he wants treats). If I don't go with him, he bites me. I mean, you gotta love the cat, but....yeah.
    Annnnyway, I thought we had something in common. :D
    *kisses my cat's fuzzy little head*

    1. Oh my goodness! XDDD I feel ya! And the crazy thing is, we feel honored being their personal slaves... They totally have us wrapped around their paws. >.>

      I'm glad I'm not the only one enslaved by their pet. Your cat sounds like a mess! But you gotta love him because KITTY! :D

    2. I KNOW!!!! I mean, why? Why do I feel honored to get up from my comfy couch to give my bratty cat MORE treats, when I gave him some five minutes ago?!?! Yes. We're caught in their haughty grasp.
      I mean, I only get bitten in return. Lol
      You're not alone. He's a spoiled wittle thing. xD
      Yup. I can never stop luvin' that fluffy thing. :)

  8. I check my closet for Narnia, TOO!!!!!!!!!!!! *cries because she hasn't found it yet*


      At least we have books, because those are basically portals to magical places. ^_^

    2. Totally!!!! <3 They are... If only it was there....

  9. Your blog is beautiful! I love the header. I'll definitely be sticking around. :)

    God bless you!

    1. Well you just 100% MADE. MY. DAY. I am so honored! Thank you!!! <3

  10. Hello! So nice to meet you. :-D
    You and I have so much in common!!! I am a Christian homeschooler, I write, LOVE Tolkien and Lewis, and actually I am raising several pet dragons right now (not in reality; online and in my imagination ;-)).
    I will definitely continue to read your blog. XD Have a great day!

    1. Hiiii! *piles you with dozens of welcome cookies* Welcome to my little corner of the interwebz. I'm honored to have you visit! ^_^

      Oh my goodness, THAT IS SO COOL! It's too fun finding people with such similar interests. And DRAGONS. Yep, we get along perfectly! If you're ever able to raise any REAL dragons, let me know. ;D

      That makes me so happy. You are the sweetest! Thank you so much! <3

  11. Hiiii! I just came across you're blog. *stalker alert* I'm a ENFP/ESFP, extroverts are great šŸ˜„ looking forward to getting to know you, you sound like an awesome gal xD

    1. HELLO!!! Don't worry, I greet my stalkers with with welcome cookies. ;D *hands you cookies* Welcome to my corner of the internet! You are so sweet! And a fellow extrovert, awesome! *highfives*

      I look forward to getting to know you too! AWK. Your comment made my day! ^_^

  12. I’m an ENFJ/ESFJ (because apparently my personality is too indecisive to just be one type, psh), am enslaved by my fluffy gray poodle, the middle child of three, collect waaay more books than I have time to read (like that’ll stop me).

    Although I don't have a fluffy gray poodle (just a lumpy lazy beagle XD) we're twinsies. <3 I is ENFJ and middle child. Let us not look at my bookshelf. :P I have books to write.

    Snapper |

    1. Twins!!! :D And d'awwww! A beagle? How precious! <3 Huzzah for being fellow middle children and ENFJs! I so very rarely find extroverted writers. How fun you're one as well! :D

  13. LOVELY ABOUT ME PAGE, CHRISTINE. You're so pretty! <3

    Also, I tagged you for the Bibliophile Sweater Tag. (


    1. Awww! THANK YOU! That is so sweet of you to say! <333

      Ooooh FUN. Thank you so much! I'm off to check it out right now! :D

  14. It's beyond amazing to find a fellow Christian out there! I feel as if sometimes the world is just full of pessimism but you and your blog make me really happy. It sounds like you're a total fangirl, just like myself!

    I'll pray for you that you may get published one day! Your books sound fantastic!

    1. AWK. I don't even know what to say to this niceness. I always hope to spread a little light here, because the world is SO full of darkness. So I am beyond thrilled to hear my blog makes you happy! And YES. Fangirling is what I do best. ;D

      Oh my goodness, that means the WORLD to me and is such an encouragement. Like...I can't even express how much. Thank you! <3
