
Monday, October 22, 2018

5 Reasons Why I’m Still Doing NaNoWriMo

So…NaNoWriMo will be upon us in a little over a week. *wailing and gnashing of teeth* And I’m feeling a bit of shock/denial/what-the-even-WUT because this will be my NINTH year participating. NINE YEARS??? Do I value my sanity at all? (Not really no…) Why on earth have a brought this torture upon myself for 8 years and am about to do it again??? WELL. That’s what I want to talk about today!

Because that’s the thing. NaNo is such a stressful time. I mean, who chooses to write 50k or more words in 30 days during one of the busiest months of the year? WHY??? What is this ridiculousness? And for me, it’s really bad, because I, erm, have a rather obsessive personality. I don’t stop at 50k, I write until the book is DONE. Even when the book ends up being 150k words (lololol I whish that was an over dramatization). Quite a few NaNos ended with me continuing to write through the first week or two of December to get the book done. Because I get obsessed with writing it all to completion. (NOTE: I do not recommend being like me. I need to tone it down like 30 notches…)

Between NaNo Prep in October (my outlines take ages and often end up being around 20k words o.o) and then NaNo in November, it really consumes all of fall, one of my most favorite times of the year! Not to mention ends in soooo many late nights and a ridiculous amount of being overwhelmed as all my other responsibilities fall to the wayside and pile up into a ginormous monster that may or may not eat me come December.

So I ask again, WHY? Why do I do this year after year? Why would anyone? Is it really worth it?

My answer: YES!!!

I have never regretted a single one of those 8 NaNos I’ve participated in. Each one was worth it to me for so many reasons. And that’s what I want to share today: The reasons why I keep doing this insane thing. And why you should too!

And stick around, because at the end I have a special invitation for all you NaNo participants!




For my very first NaNoWriMo, I tried something I had never, ever done before: I plotted my novel. Before then, I was a hardcore pantser. And never physically plotted any bit of a story a day in my life. I thought pantsing would forever be The Way for me.

But then I decided to attempt NaNo, and as I was trying to think of ways to make the process quicker and easier I thought, “What if I outlined the book?” Because, as fun as pantsing was, it was slooow going as I’d constantly have to pause, often days, even weeks, at a time to mull over what happened next. But if I knew everything that happened, then I could just write nonstop. So I did. And now? I’m a hardcore planner. My young self would have never thought, yet here we are. Because NaNo pushed me to try something new.

From them on out, each NaNo novel (really each novel, a NaNo one or not), has been plotted a little differently. A lot of things I still do that I adapted that very first NaNo, a lot of it I’ve taken my methods and adjusted them to suit my needs. But there’s always something a little different, a little new, with each novel, and as the years have passed, I’ve refined my methods more and more.

NaNo challenged me to look at creating a novel differently. It made this girl who is really set in her ways and not wild about trying new things to, well, try new things. To step out of my comfort zone and find the best possible way to produce a novel.

But going from pantser to planner is just one example. There are so many other ways NaNo challenges me to keep pushing the barrier with my writing. To be wild and free with it, and not stuck in the same ol’, same ol’ I tend to fall into when writing. It taught me that I can write in short bursts in between life, instead of setting out a very specific set of time to write like I used to do. It gave me permission to try crazy things with my stories, because, hey, why not? I’m only writing the thing for a month. Why can’t I experiment a little? It helped me see what my strengths and weaknesses are, and what types of scenes and plots in general I enjoy and dislike. And because of this, it’s helped me GROW as a writer.

Because NaNo gives me permission to experiment and make a mess with my stories, I’ve very much found the best methods that work for me, what types of stories I like to tell, and the best way to tell them. Such as some of my NaNo stories had way too slow pacing, a couple sped by far too quickly. And I learned all this because I wasn’t bogged down by perfecting my story, or taking my time writing it. NaNo gives me permission to focus solely on the story and truly, deeply refine my craft.

Which happens to be to my next point…



I of course do a lot of writing during non-NaNo months. But during those crazy November days, there’s something different about the writing process.

During all the other times of the year, I get distracted. Oh goodness, the distractions! I always refer to myself as a “productive procrastinator”, because I do productive tasks while procrastinating to make myself feel better about procrastinating. And, unfortunately, usually what I’m procrastinating is writing. Instead of taking time out each day to write or edit, I think, “Oh, well I need to go write a blog post.” or “I better spend some time this afternoon taking pictures for my Instagram account.” or “Wow, I’m behind on my friends’ social media, I should catch up!” See? Productive procrastinator. This is my life. *shakes head* Unfortunately, it puts working on my actual BOOK at the bottom of the priority list, when, really, it should be the top. But NaNo changes all of that.

There’s fewer things in this world that kicks me into gear more than goals needing to be met within a time limit. Something about that ever moving clock pulls out my ultra focused, obsessive side like no other. So you can only imagine how on hyper drive it is during NaNo. Suddenly all those things I worry about for 11 months of the year? They’re insignificant. During November, it’s all about STORY. And I love it.

Yes, we shouldn’t be that hyper-focused 24/7 for all of the year. There are other priorities in life and to-do lists that need to be checked off. But as writers, it’s also so important that we sometimes allow our novels to consume our thoughts. To give ourselves permission to fall so deeply into our stories that it’s more real to us than reality.

NaNo always does that for me. For those 30 days I’m living my story. It suddenly feels so real and so important, and it’s such a thrilling feeling. It’s like a 30 day retreat with my characters (a 30 day retreat of torture and pain and feels but ya know). And it’s so nice to not be worrying so much about all those many other things on my to-do list, and have my novel be at the top of the priority list for a time.

(Sidenote: I’m talking about physical tasks that need to be accomplished. God, our loved ones, and our health should be permanently at the top of our life priority list, and I do actually fall short on those things during NaNo so much. So of course there is a balance, as with everything.)

It’s a funny thing. Because during NaNo, I often get so flustered and tired and stressed and want to do anything in the world but write. But then afterwards, when it’s all said and done, I never really remember those moments. Whenever I think back to any NaNo, I smile, because what I remember is the magical feeling of being utterly immersed in my story. That’s always the lasting impact of NaNo for me. And it is for that feeling alone that I find NaNo is always worth doing.



A huge thing that NaNo helps with is pushing us to go beyond what we think we can do. So, so many times during non-NaNo I’ll consider writing, but then decide I’m too tired or that I need to do something else. Or write a just a few words and then call that “good enough” and go do something lazy. But with NaNo, I don’t really have that option. Again, there’s that goal that needs to be met and a time limit ever pushing me forward. So instead of turning on the TV, I take up the laptop and write. Instead of claiming I’m too tired to write, I just write anyway. Instead of considering 1k words enough for the day, I write 1 or 2 more thousand. Instead of scrolling on Pinterest while waiting at the dentist office, I pop out a few words on my phone.

But more than that, it reminds me that I can finish a story, and within a short amount of time. Before I did NaNo, I would take over a year to write a book. And some I never even finished. But then I did NaNo, and I realized, as long as I put my mind to it, my novel can get DONE.

If I remember right, it was Lisa Mangum at Realm Makers who said that we can always stretch a little farther than we think we can. And NaNo taught me that more than anything. Every single year it helps me get these novels done, and reminds me that I just have to put my mind to it, not get distracted, and do it.



I think all writers have those occasional existential crises where we wonder why on this green earth are we writers? Writing is hard. Shouldn’t we be doing something else with our time?

I definitely have those moments, more frequently than I’d like. There are even some scandalous moments where I’ve considered not doing NaNo for a year. I KNOW. It’s true! But I always force myself to do it. Why? Because, every single time, it shoves away those writer doubts.

Like I said earlier, whenever I think back on past NaNos, all I can ever seem to dwell on is how utterly fun I had writing my novel. Not on those nights I stayed up until 2 in the morning feverishly trying to get a blog post ready for the next day because I had used up my day writing. Not on the moments where I’d assume move to Antarctica rather than have to write a single more word. Not when I wanted to sit and cry at how behind I was getting on other things because writing was taking up all my time. Those moments happen every November, but I so rarely remember them. Instead, what is always at the forefront of my mind is how fun it was writing my novel.

Because writing is fun. We’re literally creating entire worlds and characters and have the liberty to make anything at all happen that we want to. It is magic. And being so consumed in our magical stories is something utterly special.

So I do NaNo every single year, even during those times when I’d really rather just skip it and take it easy during these amazing fall days, because I need to do it. Sometimes I forget just how amazing storytelling can be. I need that reminder that creating stories is FUN. And that it’s something worth doing.

I have learned so much about writing and the world and life in general through writing. The amount of lessons I’ve gleaned through those stories I’ve written during NaNo are innumerable. Stories have power. They’re truly one of the most powerful weapons we have on this earth. And I firmly believe writing them is always worth your time. Even when it’s tiring and hard and doesn’t seem it.



Lastly, one of my top, top, top favorite things about NaNoWriMo is the community it provides.

Back in the dark ages before I did NaNo, I had zero writing friends. I was the only writer I knew, and it was lonely. Because, well, we writers are weird. And sometimes you just can’t understand a writer unless you are one. Every writer needs some fellow writers friends so we can feel understood. And what better way to find writing friends than NaNoWriMo, where literally thousands are participating all over the world!

During my very first NaNo, I poked around the NaNo forums and stumbled into a group that called themselves the Purple Elephants, full of fellow writing teenagers (ya know, back when I was a teenager, good times, good times). And, oh my goodness, the fun we had! The amount of random nonsense we’d talk about and stories we shared and inside jokes we made. It was hilarious. A lot of us got older and I think most of the core group faded away, sadly. (Though I think it may still live on a bit. I haven’t checked the NaNo forums this year to see.) But it was within that group that I learned what it felt like to have fellow writer friends. And it was in that group where I made one of my closest writing buddies who, to this day, I consider one of my bestest friends in the world. Through her, I met other writing friends, then I started blogging and met more. And it grew and grew, and here I now have a whole community of fellow writers all of whom I love and adore. (Seriously, you guys make my world. <3) And it even went farther than that. Through blogging I learned about Realm Maker, where I met some of you, and made more friends. The connections just continuously grow. But all of that was because of NaNo. I never would have met any of you, and probably wouldn’t even be blogging, if not for NaNo. It was the starting point to this writing life I now lead.

It is seriously a wonderful place to meet writers. But not only that. There is something utterly motivating knowing that you’re writing your novel along with thousands of others. Suddenly writing isn’t lonely. It’s one, ginormous, epic group activity! And there are always people to cheer you on every day.

So that’s why, here 9 years later, I’m still doing NaNoWriMo. It’s not just a fun, crazy challenge to accomplish. It’s so much bigger and important and more magical than that.

Now, of course I 100% understand it’s not for everyone. For some people, NaNo has the opposite effects and makes writing a negative thing. Or maybe life is just way too busy right now to take on something like NaNo. I absolutely get that, and I suspect one day I’ll decide life is just too hectic to participate myself. But if you’ve been considering it, and think you can find the time, I cannot recommend it enough!



I know this post is already long enough to cover like the first week of NaNo words, buuuut I promised you I had something special to share! I left my point of the community and having writing friends for last, because that leads me right to it.

I’ve decided to create a NaNo Google Hangouts Chat.

Sadly, these days I never find the time or make the effort to poke around the NaNo forums like I did in my earlier NaNo days. I’m just a lot busier. But I really miss the tight-knit group I had with the Purple Elephants. Then it occurred to me. I already have a group of NaNo participants, right here! We just don’t have a specific place to chat. Which is where Google Hangouts comes in! It’s such a great place for instant messaging and popping in now and again for quick chats.

So if you like using Hangouts and are participating in NaNoWriMo (or just a writer! it doesn't have to be exclusively NaNo participants) and want a place to chat with other fellow Wrimos where we can talk about our stories, do word wars/sprints together, share snippets, encourage one another, and just have FUN, then send me your email address at, and I’ll make this happen! It’ll basically be like the cabins that Camp NaNoWriMo has. I think it’s going to be a blast and I’M SO EXCITED!

(NOTE: I will make sure this is a very safe environment and will remove anyone who uses crude language or tries to bully or anything like that. But I feel SO blessed with the readers I have on my blog and am like 99.999% sure none of you would ever do that! Just figured I’d better assure you that it will be safe.)


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And stay tuned, because next Monday I’m actually, finally going to be sharing more details of my NaNo novel Kings Bleed Gold!



The obvious question is, WHO’S DOING NANO??? (Pst. My NaNo account is HERE. I’d love to buddy you all over there!) Don’t forget to email me if you want to join my Hangouts! (Also, I apologize to all my non-NaNo participant readers. I know I probably drive you guys craaazy this time of year. Thank you so much for sticking by me and my NaNo obsessed self and always being an encouragement. I love you ALL!)


  1. I found this super encouraging, Christine! Nine years that's crazy.
    I have been trying to plot for this, it's hard for me. But if you can go from being a panster to a plotter so can I. I'm getting excited for Nano.

    1. Awwww, I'm so glad! And thank you!

      Plotting is SO hard! I feel ya. That's why it takes me through ALL of October. It's such long, grueling, headache-inducing work. Especially when I change my mind on a plot thread like I did the other day. Eheheh. But I guess better now than while writing, right?

      You've got this, girl. You're gonna do great!

  2. Nine years is NUTS. I'm planning on editing for NaNo this year--it's going to be my motivation to get through a THIRD draft of my crazy book, haha. I need that right now. :P I sent you an email and I can't wait for November! It's going to be AWESOME and I can't wait to hear more about your story as we're going along. <3

    1. LOL. I'm a little in shock myself. It doesn't FEEL like it's been 9 years. o.o

      Using NaNo as motivation to edit is BRILLIANT and something I might have to do sometime! I love this idea! And EEEE!!! I'm so in awe at you continuously working on your book. You're so dedicated!

      YAAAY!!! I hope to get the Hangouts going soon here! :D

  3. Wow - nine years? This is my second time! (Well, technically, it’s my first, because last year I think I gave up after about 5 days. XD)

    And this post is so encouraging! I know that November will be busy, even without NaNo, so hitting 50,000 should be interesting. But at this point, all I want to do is finish the first draft, since I usually don’t ever write loooongg books.

    (And I miiiight send you that email. I don’t know. I’ll probably have to ask my parents, since they’re pretty hesitant about all things that involve the Internet and socializing. XD)

    1. Right? The years have just FLOWN by. It's insane! But I'm so excited for you! The first couple of years are SO thrilling!!! I'm glad this post was an encouragement to you. Yes, trying to work in all those words during November is so hard. Ugh. But I truly think it's always worth it! And what matters is that you're WRITING, no matter the wordcount! I hope you have the BEST time!

      (Oh, I totally get ya! I'd love to have you, but I'd NEVER want any of you to do something that would make your parents uncomfortable! So just whatever they think. ^_^)

  4. Wow, I thought I was awesome going into my fifth year, but nine years is even cooler!! Congrats! I absolutely loved reading this post! So awesome!!

    I'll have to shoot you an email for the hangouts, though I haven't really messed around on it before. But, like one of your points, it's a great time for me to try new things!

    1. Girl, five years is insanely impressive! You're totally a NaNo veteran at this point! :D But thank you so much. I'm really glad you enjoyed it! ^_^

      YES, YES, YES!!! I'm so ecstatic to have you and your precious self in the group! I'm hoping to get it going soon here. And I honestly didn't start using Hangouts until just earlier this year, so I feel you! But it's super simple. I think you'll enjoy it! ^_^

  5. 9 years?! Wow, you've written a lot. :P

    Also, can non-NaNoers join the Hangout chat? I want to stalk the progress of my friends' writings. :P It's okay if you want it to be Nanoers exclusive. xD

    1. Hahaha! I'm a little (okay, maybe a LOT) insane. XD

      OH. I didn't even think of that. Of course you can join! It doesn't have to be JUST a NaNo thing. I'm hoping it'll be a great place throughout all seasons for us to fellowship and just have fun. SO YES. Shoot me an email with what address you want me to use and I'll add you once I create it! :D I'm sure we'd all be so happy to have your sweet self cheering us on! ^_^

  6. I'm a non-NaNoer, but I'm always SUPER excited for the NaNo time of year because of YOUR NaNo posts!!! They are SO epic. :') I hope to do NaNo sometime, but I am in #highschool and I just know I couldn't handle the pressure. SOMEYEAR, THOUGH. XD

    Beautiful post! Can't wait to hear more about your NaNo project!

    1. Awwww! Really?? That totally just put a grin on my face! And it's super good to know even non-NaNoers enjoy my NaNo posts, because I worry about that sometimes. Thank you for telling me! But I feel you! I didn't even consider doing NaNo until I graduated. I don't know HOW people do it when they're in school. o.o But yes! Hopefully one year you'll be able to join! :D

      Thanks so muuuch! <3

  7. "So it begins." <-- so says a character in one of my all-time favorite movie sagas. :D

    *raises hand* I'm taking part!! GREAT post, dear girl! Spot on. And what a fantabulous idea to do the Hangouts! You a genius. xD

    1. THEODENNN!!! Right? We are SUCH brain twins though. Because I literally think of that scene every single time NaNo rolls around! :O

      I'M SO EXCITED YOU'RE DOING IT!!! And thank you! I'm SO happy you want to join. We're gonna have so much fun! :D

    2. Correct!! *bows regally* Hahaha! Totally!!!!! <--on everything you said ;D

  8. MEEEEEEEP - it's coming quickly! This is my first time doing NaNo officially - even though I've participated in Camp three times now. And all those reasons you listed in this precisely the reason why I'm trying it this year :).

    I love the idea of the Hangouts chat and am planning to email you - I love the community part of Camp NaNo and was going to miss it dreadfully this month :)


    1. WAY TOO QUICKLY. ACK. But I'm pumped! Oh my goodness, that is so exciting this is your first official NaNo!!! YAYAYAY! It's such a great thing!

      Thank you! I think it's going to be SO fun! And I get you. I've actually only done an official Camp NaNo...once, I think? And the cabin was so fun, it always made me sad there's nothing like that with the official NaNo. So I think this'll be great. :D

  9. I love looking back to four years ago when everyone was doing posts about this "NaNoWriMo thing" and I had no idea what they were talking about, but was 10000% sure that no way could I write that many words in a month. XD

    Turns out I could write that many words in two weeks, so I definitely learnt something from NaNo!


    1. THAT IS TOO AWESOME. NaNo is so amazing like that!!! I was with you, I didn't know if I could possibly accomplish something like it. But NaNo brings the writing superpowers out in all of us. XD

      IT'S COMING WAY TOO FAST. ACK. I've still got a lot to plot too! But we've got time! If you can do 50k in 2 weeks, you can totally plot in a week in a half. YOU'VE GOT THIS, GIRL! *sends motivational cookies*

  10. I'm excited and terrified for NaNo. xD This will be my fourth year, and I haven't actually won a year yet. I get stuck and can't figure out where the story should go next. I've worked on using outlines more, but I still get stuck. :P

    But even though I really really want to get to 50k this year, even if I don't it's always worth it because I still get so much of my story written! And I bond to the story and the characters. I think being so super-invested in them for a month does that to you. "Whenever I think back to any NaNo, I smile, because what I remember is the magical feeling of being utterly immersed in my story."-- I totally know how you feel.

    And I'll definitely join your hangout! I don't know how much I'll be able to drop in, but I love the idea. :D

    1. "But even though I really really want to get to 50k this year, even if I don't it's always worth it because I still get so much of my story written!" <---THIS. I think that encompasses everything that NaNo stands for. Yes, the "goal" is 50k, but I think the REAL goal is to just get us writing. Which is exactly what you're doing, and I think that's so admirable! Keep at it, girl!

      I'm so happy you're gonna join the Hangouts! EEEEE! We're gonna have a blast! But don't worry if you can't be super active. Honestly, I'm worried *I* won't be all that active either. :-/ But what matters is to create a community where we can be an encouragement to one another. I think it's going to be great! ^_^

  11. This was fantastic and so encouraging!! Thanks for writing it! I've only ever *really* tried NaNo once... and that was six years ago. I've sort of dabbled with it here and there in the years since, but THIS year... I think I can make it happen for several reasons... 1. I have a story I'm just at the beginning of, and it's outlined. 2. I've learned how to write faster. :) 3. I'm going to have a lot of evenings at home alone while Derek works on the house.

    So... I'd LOVE to be a part of the hangout!!!

    1. D'awww! Thank you, Jenelle. I'm so glad you thought so! But goodness, I'm always in awe at how much progress you're constantly making on your stories. You do an equivalent of Nano like, every month, without even needing the motivation of it. Lol. But still. I'M SO EXCITED YOU'RE JOINING THIS YEAR! *DANCES* It definitely sounds like the perfect time to join!

      YAYAYAYAY! I'm so thrilled to have you! I hope to get it going soon here! :D

  12. Hi yes hello I am totally joining your hangout! This is the year I finally conquer NaNoWriMo me thinks :D. Great post!

    1. HURRAY!!! So glad to have ya! :D I'll be putting it together very soon!

      And YESH. You've totally got this! *fistpump*

  13. Whooo-hoo! Congratulations on 9 years of NaNo! That's quite an accomplishment! *throws confetti*

    Honestly, what I love most about this post is your honesty about the stress and joy of it all. Like, NaNo is hard. It's stressful, busy, and you question why on earth you do it. But it's also a blessing, a joy, a creative accomplishment to be proud of. And all that can be said about writing as a whole--it's so hard, but it's SO worth it!

    That's cool that you switched from pantster to plotter! I work best when I know what to write next as well--I can survive making it up as I go, but the process is SO much faster with a plan!

    "Productive procrastinator"--that's a perfect description! (And, um, I'm guilty of that as well. :-) )

    This was a great post and an encouraging reminder for all writers, not just those doing NaNo! I hope your planning and writing goes well! *sends boatloads of coffee* :-)

    1. Aaahhhh! Thank you! The years have just FLOWN by. It's pretty crazy. o.o

      GIRL. GIIIIRL. That whole paragraph made me so happy, because that covers it ALL. That's exactly my feelings, and what I was trying to convey with this post. YES! That's so exactly it!

      It's really funny how FAR I switched. I went from hardcore pantser to ridiculously detailed plotter basically over night. XD But I'm with ya! I CAN still pants, and it's fun, but plotting definitely speeds up the process by bundles! And helps me not chase rabbit trails... Haha.

      We are such brain twins! It makes me feel better I'm not the only one who does this. XD Hey, at least we get SOMETHING accomplished, even when we're putting off the things we SHOULD be doing. Hehe.

      D'awwww! That makes me so very happy to hear! Thank you so,so much, sweet girl! <333 (OH YES. I can use all the coffee I can get! ;D)

  14. Wow! Congratulations for reaching nine years. That is insane. This will be my second NaNo and I'm really looking forward to it! I'm just itching to sit down and start writing this novel, even though schedules will fly out the window and life will be turned upside down when I do :P
    I'm also one of those productive procrastinators. But least the desk's clean :D

    1. Thank you so much! It is pretty insane. o.o I can't believe it's been that long. It doesn't feel like it has!

      EEEEEEE!!!! How fun this is your second NaNo! I loved the second year, because it still felt so fresh and new but at the same time, I actually knew what was going on and had a better system going, so best of both worlds! :D I hope you have the most amazing time!!!

      Huzzah for productive procrastinators! It makes me feel better I'm not alone in this. XD And yeah, at least we ARE getting stuff done, right? ;D

  15. In case you haven't found out for sure yet, no, you don't need a Gmail or Google address to be on the hangouts. It's nice and flexible that way.

    Unfortunately I won't be doing NaNo this year, as I'll be ploughing through the last papers and presentations and paperwork before graduating. But that means this will be the last year I have school getting in the way.

    1. OOOH. OKAY. I did add someone without a gmail, and it seemed to work, but I wasn't sure. That is good to know! Thank you! I should update this and let people know.

      Awww, that is sad! :( But huzzah on you for prioritizing the important things. And YES. You'll be all freed up not too long from now. So exciting! I hope all the paper writing and such goes amazingly! <3

    2. Thank you!

  16. I AGREE WITH ALL OF THIS. But especially the fact that it forces me to focus on writing. Distractions are such a big struggle of mine, so it's nice to have something to work toward, rather than just staring at a blank screen and then getting distracted by a cat video on YouTube. (Not saying that's what usually happens or anything...XD)


    1. Yes, girl, YES! That is so me! The distractions are killer. In fact...I may be distracted now from my outline and should totally get back to it. *COUGH* It's a problem. XD But yes, NaNo helps so much with that!


  17. NaNo has been up and down for me in the three years I’ve participated but I’m really trying to clear my schedule and try to fall in love with my novel. I feel like I’ve lost some of that writing abandon this year and I want to just immerse myself. NaNo made me be a planner too and I miss putting writing first. I totally want to join that group!

    1. I totally hear ya! Life too often gets in the way of the pure ENJOYMENT of writing. That is definitely a big reason I love NaNo. It definitely helps me put away all the other things and just WRITE.

      I do hope this NaNo will be an extra special one for you!

      AND YAAAAY! I'll go add you right now! :D

  18. This is my third year doing NaNo. I won both times before. But I'm not sure why I'm doing it this year aside from the fact that I got a lovely idea a few weeks ago that I feel I must write. I'd love to join the google chats so I'll be sending you an email!

    1. Aaahhhhh! SO FUN!!! And hey, when inspiration strikes during NaNo season, what better time than to jump on it? ;D I hope you have the most amazing time.

      And YAY! It'll be fantastic to have you. I'll go add you right now!

  19. Blogger ate my comment earlier today, so here we go, trying again!

    GIRL. NINE YEARS OF NANO. I am so proud of you, and I love how NaNo has played such an integral part of your writing journey! For all the reasons you talked about and more, I'm looking forward to (hopefully) joining the NaNo craziness next November. ;)

    P.S. I'm skipping over *cough* several months' worth of posts in order to catch up on NaNo posts while it's still November. As you were.

    1. UGH. Boo on blogger! I HATE when it does that. >.>

      D'awww! *blushes* It's been a wild ride, but a fun one! It honestly doesn't FEEL like it's been 9 years. Like...where has time gone??? It's so crazy! But yes, NaNo has grown me as a writer so, so much. I do hope you get to join us next year!!!

      I'm loving all your comments! They've made me smile. ^_^
