
Monday, December 18, 2017

The NaNo 2017 Diaries {Vlog}

The title of this post in fact does not have a typo. Nope. It’s correct.


My first ever vlog. With my actual face. And voice. TERRIFYING, I KNOW.

So why this sudden video? Well. During NaNoWriMo this year I thought it’d be fun to make a video diary every single day of all that was going on. At first I was thinking I’d do it only for myself—just a fun way to have a log of the month without having to journal anything (because goodness knows I was writing enough without having to also keep up with a journal). Buuuut then I had the wild of idea of embarrassing myself and DOING IT FOR YOU GUYS.

And that is why I am here today!

Although this is not even half of the videos I made. Each video was about 2 minutes long and there are 30 of them so…that would have been an hour long vlog. How about no? Instead I just pick and chose some of the highlights to smush together into a vlog. Except…erm…it’s still 27 minutes long. Oops? SOWWY. I did try to make it shorter. But apparently not only are my novels and blog posts monsters, my vlogs are as well??? You guys still love me though, right?

ANYWHOOZLE. We need to actually get to the vlog part!

Sadly, the first part of it is cut off because I’m a moron and began talking before my phone started recording. >.> And it’s not the bestest quality because I was using the front camera of my phone. If I ever do anymore vlogs I’ll try to use my back camera and make it higher quality. But this was just a little something I was doing each day in the midst of the insanity that was NaNo so…yeah. You get to see over-caffeinated, sleep-deprived, lost in NaNo Land Christine. FUN STUFF.

(And yes. This is another NaNo post. I know I’ve been doing these in a row for like…the last 3 months. *cough* BUT THIS IS THE LAST ONE. My next post will not be totally NaNo focused, I promise!)

Also, kudos to my awesome big bro for helping me put all this together because I was absolutely clueless with this stuff.

ALL RIGHT. Enough of my babbling so you can watch…me babble. Um. Yes.

Behold me in all my awkwardness!


If you survived all of that, you deserve cookies! *passes them around* SO TELL ME. What did you think? Would you guys be interested in me doing more vlogs on occasion? Orrrr should I stick to text posts? XD Share with me your thoughts!

NOTE: Since Christmas lands on next Monday (BUT HOW THO???) I won’t be doing a post then. Instead I’ll do my next and last post of 2017 a few days after Christmas (probably that next Thursday). It’ll be a big ol’ 2017 wrap-up post and should be fun! Until then…





    SO I don't have time to watch it right this minute (I is preparing for my Spanish class xD) but THE MOMENT I HAVE FREE TIME, I KNOW WHAT I'M DOING. EEP I CAN'T WAIT! :D

    ~ Savannah | Scattered Scribblings

    1. (alright first of all YES THAT WAS A TYPO IN THE FIRST SENTENCE OF MY FIRST COMMENT. Sheesh. It should say "VLOG" not "blog", HA xD)

      Okay so like YOUR EXCITEMENT is THE MOST CONTAGIOUS thing xD. I was literally grinning while watching the second-to-last clip on there, when you finally finished The Nether Isle (and you're not the only one who gets shaky with excitement when a novel is being finished xD). GO YOU, CHRISTINE!!! I absolutely CANNOT believe you hit 117k words. LIKE HOW DID YOU NOT DIE??? I'm considering whether you come from a long line of novel-writing elves, because otherwise that shouldn't be possible xD. (and The Nether Isle sounds INCREDIBLE. I want it so baaaaad, you have NO IDEA. <3 <3 <3)

      BUT ANYWAYS. Your vlog was GOLD. It was so epic to finally match a voice to your beautiful face! And you're like the sweetest person EVER. I wish you were coming to Realm Makers so that we could meet in person! <3 (also, you have THE MOST EPIC bookshelves! So much pretty. So many BOOKS!)

      Can't wait to see your '17 wrapup (WHO STOLE THE YEAR. I WANT TO HAVE WORDS WITH THEM)! Have an epic Christmas, my friend! <3 <3 <3

      ~ Savannah | Scattered Scribblings

    2. OKAY BUT YOUR REACTION. I'm still grinning over it here a day later!

      Lol! I'm glad my excitement is contagious. I get prettyyyy excited about things. XD So you get shaky with excitement at the end of writing a novel too??? It's just the BEST feeling!

      A long line of novel-writing elves? Oh my goodness gracious. GIRL. I can't with you! XDDD Nooo I just...probably have more free time than I should and don't seem to value my health at all during NaNo. *COUGH* BUT THANK YOU!!!

      Meep! So very, very happy you enjoyed it! Your vlogs are like my faaaave so I'm honored you liked mine! ^_^ But YES. WE NEED TO MEET IN PERSON. THIS MUST HAPPEN SOMEDAY! *flails* (D'awww, thanks! My bookshelves are my bbys. <333 Hehe.)

      I can't believe I only have one more post to do for 2018. o.o IT'S INSANE.

      Thank you so very much, Savannah!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU! <3333

  2. Christine how are you the cutest and prettiest person ever!!!! I was so excited to watch this, to match a voice to your face. YOUR BEAUTIFUL,SMILING FACE!
    It was so cool to hear about your story Nano, and everything. It was like having a conversation with you. I am so proud of you for how much words you got out in just 30 days Omigoodness. You are amazing!

    1. OH MY GRACIOUS GOODNESS. SKYE! I...I don't even know how to respond to this. YOU ARE TOO SWEET.

      Thanks so much, girl! You always encourage me! <333

  3. AAAAHHHHHH SO COOL. I absolutely loved watching this and ahh so excited that you did a vlog and I can see your face and hear your voice. <3 <3 It's so coool. *flails*

    1. *FLAILS* THANK YOU, JANE!!! I'm so happy you enjoyed it! I do love when my bloggy friends do vlogs because it's almost like "meeting" them. So I thought it was high time I did one myself. ^_^

  4. This was so cool! I loved hearing about your NaNo adventure in vlog format. This looked like it was so much fun to record and your enthusiasm for NaNo and writing and your book is so awesome!

    I'd totally watch more vlogs in the future! (And you recorded this on your phone? The quality is SO good!)

    1. D'awww! Thanks! It was a lot of fun to record! A very interesting way to keep a diary of sorts. I may have to do it again sometime!

      MEEP. That's so sweet! I might try to do another one someday then! :D (I did, yep! I'm glad the quality wasn't TOO bad. My phone has a pretty good front camera. Buuut the back camera would be a lot better. XD)

      Thanks again, girl! <3

  5. Aaahh, this was absolutely so much fun!! :D I positively LOVED getting to see snippets of your NaNo adventure and it was just so fun getting to see you talk about it and your excitement is getting ME excited about NaNo again and just alkjdlkjls so funnnn! ^_^ (Also, all the books on your shelves and at the bookshop. Yessss.) Thank you for sharing! It WAS a little long, but I'd be happy to watch you chat again in future! IT WAS JUST SO FUNNNN! ^_^ I will look forward to your 2017 wrapup post!! :D MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU TOO! <3

    1. *BEAMS* THANK YOU! It was a lot of fun to do! (And obviously I had to mostly use bookshelves as my backdrop. ;D)

      It was sooo long. Bleh. Just imagine if I used all 30 clips. o.o IF I do anymore vlogs I will definitely shorten the length! Lol.

      Thanks again! Your comment just makes me happy! ^_^

      MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! :D :D :D

  6. Wonderful vlog!!!! So happy that you had a good NaNoWriMo month!!! Your book sounds amazing!
    I hope you have a Merry Christmas!

    1. AWWWW! Thank you! :D It was a super fun month! And thank you again! The book is a MESS, but I do love it. Hehe.


    2. You're very welcome!! I love all of my characters so much! They are definitely the best part of writing.

    3. 100% agreed! Characters are the BEST!

  7. Thanks for filming a vlog. Your awkwardness is quite endearing ^^ And it's pretty cool that you got to do NaNoWriMo with your sister.

    1. D'aww! Thanks! Hehe.

      Yes! This was her first year doing it and it was SO FUN. We had a blast! :D

  8. OH MY GOODNESS – I was JUST thinking the other day how I was sad that I had never heard your voice or seen you “In real time” and low and behold – you released a vlog!!!

    I literally squealed and jumped up and down when I found out. I originally only intended to watch the first five minutes, because I was supposed to be doing something else, but ended up sitting down and watching the whole vlog. :D


    As always, I love your posts – and it was lots of fun hearing your Nano updates. You’re story sounds amazing.

    Yes, please – send more vlogs! :D

    1. ALLISON. What am I going to do with your preciousness??? THANK YOU! I always love, love, looove your videos! It is so nice getting to really SEE all my bloggy friends when they do vlogs. ^_^

      That's so sweet you ended up watching the whole thing! It was sooo long. Lol. If I do another it won't be that long. I'm determined!


      I may very well have to do another vlog sometime. I'm just so happy you enjoyed it! ^_^

  9. *flails* CHRISTINE DID A VLOG!!!! *flails some more*

    Girl, you are so adorable and so sweet and also such a writing wizard SO BASICALLY #GOALS* <3 <3

    Yesss! Please do more vlogs! I needs them! :D

    Also, The Nether Isle sounds ABSOLUTELY FANTABULOUS!!!! Do you have any idea of when you might publish it? :)

    Liv ||


      *blushes* How do I even respond to this???? Thank you!!! Your enthusiasm is making me so very happy. I may just have to do another vlog sometime! :D

      AWK. THANK YOU AGAIN! Published? Erm... Noooo clue. I'm going to try to pursue publishing with Burning Thorns first so...I don't know what that means for The Nether Isle. IF it does get published it'll probably be a long, long while. Eheh. But your interest in it just encourages me so much!

      Thank you for everything, girl! <3

  10. You did a vlog! It was awesome, Lauri! (Do you mind if I call you that? It's so adorable.)
    A good idea might be to make a plan of your blogging days (like how many blogs you do each month) and then make half of them vlogs and the other half text blogs. Or you could decide whether it should be a vlog or text written based on the subject (I'd do this, so you wouldn't feel obligated to do a vlog if you don't feel like it). *rambles*

    I was standing there stunned. You write to fast, girl! It seems like you move along with your story so quickly and have written so many. Don't worry, monstrous books are always the best because it gives the reader more; but only if it's written by a wonderful writer *points to you*. Sometimes I'm reading books that are just too short, and they could have so much more of the story. I think my troubles of writing are starting and ending the novels. Ugh, it's so hard for me! Do you have any suggestions of how to accomplish these things?

    I'm a few days early, but Merry Christmas! <3

    1. I did! :D And I'm so glad you enjoyed it! (Oh sure! You're welcome to call me that. Most of my internet peeps do. Hehe.)

      That's a very good idea! Buuuut I'd probably only do the OCCASIONAL blog, like one every few months. *sheepish grin* But that would be fun to half and half them. I like how your brain works! :D

      AWK. YOU ARE SO SWEET! But I'm with you. I quite like bigger books. Especially if it's one I'm loving, I want it to go on foreverrr.

      Starting stories is so, SO hard. I totally sympathize with you! I think the best advice is to it. Maybe set a timer for like 30 minutes and FORCE yourself to keep writing until the timer goes off? That's really motivational for me. You can also make a list of all the things you love about your novel idea and why you want it written to motivated you to start and finish it. I think often we see writing as a chore and forget we write these novels because we love them. So it's good to regularly remind ourselves WHY we love them. But, again, the best way to get things written is to just write! Annnd I have no idea if that was at all helpful. :-/


    2. Thanks! I understand only writing the occasional blogs. You have a lot on your plate, having to work, but also giving yourself enough time to write. :)
      Bigger books that are written well are the best! I remember having this 5 book series that I absolutely loved and I would keep track of how many I had left and savor them. xD The ending was amazing though, so I was satisfied with only the five. Though, I'm always happy for more. ;D

      I just don't want to start off wrong and have the story pushing the wrong way. Thanks for the advice! It's encouraging! <3 I just need to write like you said. We tend to see writing as a chore when it's not going exactly the way we want it to. We want it to be done quickly and we want it perfect, but it just doesn't seem to happen that way.

      Thanks! I guess it's Happy New Years now! xD

    3. OOPS. I meant occasional VLOG, not blog. XD Yeah, I still do blog posts weekly. I just doubt I'll do lots of vlogging. Haha. Oh typos...

      Awww, funnn! I get you. When I'm reading a series I love I want to devour the books, but at the same time I want to savor them! Forever a bookworm problem. XD That's good the ending was great though! It's the WORST when you read an entire huge series and then the ending ruins everything. Ugh. No thank you!

      Oh man, I understand that fear! I worry about that ALLLLL the time. But really the only way to get past it is to write. If you don't like how the book is going, you can totally change it up halfway through! That's what writing first drafts are for. You can always edit later! But just play around with the story, try a bunch of different approaches. Eventually you'll find the direction that feels right. ^_^ I definitely struggle with wanting everything to be perfect. But we've got to make a mess so we can shape it into something beautiful later! Something I have to learn over and over. Lol.

      You're right! (I can't believe Christmas is over. o.o) HAPPY NEW YEAR! <3

  11. OH MY GOSH, I LOVED YOUR VLOG!!! It was so much fun to see your bubbly self on camera :). I'm so so glad you had such a good NaNo!!!

    By the way, I tagged you for the Motherly Writer's Award. I thought you would enjoy it:


    1. Awwwww! That makes me ridiculously happy to hear! ^_^ Thank you! It was definitely a fantastic month!

      Oh my goodness. That sounds SO MUCH FUN!!! Thank you! :D

  12. CHRISTINE DID A VLOG, CHRISTINE DID A VLOG, CHRISTINE DID A VLOOOOOOOG!!!!! I was so excited to see this on my dashboard, and finally, after checking some stuff off my to-do list today, I got to settle down and watch the whole thing.

    Like everyone else has been saying, I loved seeing you in real time, hearing your voice, catching all the contagious excitement, everything! It really is close to meeting you in person! *hugs* (Except hugs are still virtual. Phooey.)

    KLFAJFKAJASKLJF THE NETHER ISLE SOUNDS SO AMAZING AND EXCITING AND FUN AND HILARIOUS AND FEELSY! But of course it does--it's a Christine Smith novel. :D Karis and Jonah sound like the most adorable pair.

    And I got to see your bookshelves! They're so pwetty! And so's the bookshop, and your backyard too. I feel like I got a little tiny peek into your life, which is so fun! Doing a NaNo vlog was a brilliant idea. :D (You're making me want to film another vlog sometime too...)

    1. P.S. Totally forgot to mention you're so pretty and I have no idea where you find the time to consistently curl your hair! ^_^ Also forgot to say you have the sliiiiiightest bit of a southern accent and it's adorable. <3

    2. AWK. Your reaction is making me smile so big! I personally looove when my bloggy friends do vlogs because, like you said, it's almost like meeting them in person. So I thought it was high time I did my own. So happy you enjoyed it! ^_^ (But yes, virtual hugs are not enough. *pouts* We NEED to meet in person!)

      YOU. <333 The actual novel is a pretty big mess. XD But I still love it and look forward to shaping it into something readable one day. Your enthusiasm toward it makes me sooo motivated and excited and encouraged! What am I going to do with you? <333

      Obviously I had to use books as the main background. ;D It was all a lot of fun! (AND YOU SHOULD!!! I'D LOOOVE ANOTHER TRACEY VLOG. PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE! :D :D :D)

      *BLUSHES* Thank you! It takes me half an age to get dressed each morning. It's bad. XD
      Hahaha! I do. I'm glad it's just slight though. I, erm, try to fight the southern accent. It's not my favorite. *cough* But it definitely shows up with some words. XD You're so sweet to say it's adorable!


    3. It IS like meeting them, which is why I loooooved seeing yours! <3 (WE MUST.)

      But hey, you can't edit a mess if you don't have a mess to begin with, right? I'm sure it's got all the bare bones it needs, and once you have that, everything else is manageable. ^_^

      Obviously. Because books. ;D (I shooould! I just don't have a "reason" to at the moment, I guess? Like I feel as if I need some occasion to do one! I'll have to invent a reason. xD)

      Hahaha, but at least you're dressed well! <--says the girl in sweats and a hoodie right now
      LOL, you trying to fight the accent. It's barely there, don't worry! Even northern Americans have a slight accent (to me) with some words. :)


    4. D'awww! ^_^

      That's exactly right! Now that I know the story, I can turn it into something readable. *nods*

      There are so many things you can do! Like a tag or book review or just...anything! They're basically blog posts, just us saying the words instead of typing them so...yeah. Lol. I'm sure you'll come up with something! :D

      LOL. I'm literally sitting here in sweats and an old t-shirt right now. XD I can go full-out hobo mode when I'm in the mood. Hehe.

      Really? That's funny! I actually think Canadians have a bit of an accent. It's so fun how we all sound different to each other. I love it!

  13. Chelsea @ An Ordinary PenDecember 21, 2017 at 12:11 AM

    You're excitement, Christine! I may have skipped to the end just to see when you'd finished :D. It's pretty impressive that you got the ENTIRE THING DONE IN ONE MONTH!!! It took me an extra two weeks to finish off my novel once I'd hit 80k on the 30th. So all in all, it was six weeks for 105k, but still, you did AMAZING.
    Also, you're voice doesn't sound how I imagined it would, but...I actually have no idea how I imagined it would. Now I'm managing to confuse myself. :D
    And have I told you how much I love your story??? If I haven't, I'll tell you again. I love your story!!! and Karis and Jonah and pretty much everything else.
    *looks back over comment and realises it doesn't make much sense*

    1. That's so funny! It was definitely a happy ending. ;D THANK YOU! It was a WILD ride. o.o But it was fun!
      105k in 6 weeks is FANTASTIC! That's so great you finished. CONGRATS! :D

      Lol! No, I totally get where you're coming from. I do that ALL the time when I finally hear the voice of a blogging friend or someone. They almost always sound different than I thought they would. It's funny!

      *FLAAAAILS* YOU ARE THE NICEST! I can't even begin to express how much that means to me. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!! <333

      Excuse me but I LOVED your comment. It brought a smile to my face!

  14. OHMIGOODNESS. Lauri!! You're absolutely ADORABLE!!!! I love the vlog format! You did a fantastic job putting it together and it's lovely to actually hear your voice and the gushing enthusiasm. Definitely contagious! We are all accustomed to your blog voice, but just getting to hear YOU - AMAZE! It's such fun to hear you squeeing over your characters! If an author loves their characters like that, then it's basically GUARANTEED that the readers will!

    I wanna be like you when I grow up! *^ - ^* LOVED THIS!!! And as usual, looking forward to more Christine/Lauri posts come 2018. Have a blessed and wonderful Christmas with your loved ones, m'dear! Love ya, girlie! :D <3 Merry Christmas!

    1. D'AWWWW! THANK YOU, SARAH! I'm glad you like how it was done. Basically ALL credit goes to my brother for putting it all together! But you are so sweeeet! I keep reading over your precious words and smiling. ^_^

      What am I gonna do with you and all your niceness, girl??? Thank you again! Merry Christmas to you toooo! Love you! <333


    I'm the same with beginnings!! It's always such a struggle! And yes, dialogue is just so FUN TO WRITE! :D


    GAH, 117k words is just ASTOUNDING. So happy for you!! :DDD

    LOVED the vlog and seeing your lovely face!! And have a beautiful Christmas!! ^_^

    1. LOLZY. Yes you can! Your reaction is the best! XD

      Really? That makes me feel better! Because it seems like so many love starting stories and I'm just like noooo. Heh. But yes, DIALOGUE. It's my faaave!

      I LOVE DECORATING SO MUCH!!! *high-fives back*

      D'awwww! Thanks, girl! You're so sweet! ^_^

      That just makes me happy. Thank you again! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU!!! <33333

  16. I love your silent screaming!! Your excitement is contagious!

    Ohmiword, you should DEFINITELY do vlogs on occasion!!! Watching this wonderful, writerly video was so much FUN, eeep! :D

    1. LOL. Thank you! I get so excited I want to scream buuut I don't want to freak out my family, so I've developed the habit of whisper screaming. I do it all the time. XD

      Awwwww! That means a lot that you want me to do more! I will certainly have to consider it. Thanks so much! ^_^

  17. So, I finally had time to sit down and watch your vlog! I loved it! I could echo all the comments above or I could try to add something new to the conversation. I think it's great that you're exploring new venues to use. You did it so well, too. That's so awesome that you met your goal of finishing your book in November! Way to go, girl! I'm very near the end myself. I hope to have my book finished before the new year (fingers crossed)! Thanks again for being such an inspiration to me! Perhaps I'll try a vlog too. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    1. You are just the SWEETEST. This whole comment brightened my entire day! ^_^ I'm glad you liked my little vlog. I may have to do more sometime! And that'd be totally fun if you did a vlog!!! :D

      That's soooo exciting you're almost done with your novel! :D :D :D You've done AWESOME. You've totally got this, girl! *sends motivational cookies* I hope finishing it up goes wonderfully and you have the best new year! <3

  18. WOAH WHATTTTT!! I love watching NaNo vlogs, and I will definitely bookmark it to watch it! Having followed you on Twitter, I know you did splendidly on NaNo! Congrats! :D

    1. AWK. THANK YOU!!! NaNo vlogs are sooo fun to watch, yes! Which is what pushed me to try it myself. It was a blast. :D

      Thanks, girl! You're always so supportive! <3

  19. I finally got to watching this (well listening to it. I worked on a new drawing while listening to it, but you know). You're so cute! It's so neat to finally hear your voice! I'm glad you had a wonderful NaNo! Now I can put your voice to your blog posts!

    1. Awwww! *blushes* You're too nice! Thanks so much! ^_^ And I know what you mean. It's always great putting voices to all the bloggers I follow! Hehe.
