
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

This is Going to Take a While…

I must admit to something. I have not started editing until just last night. But, on the other, more optimistic, hand: I started editing last night! ^_^

In my defense, I have been sick and feeling quite dead for the past few days. I could barely pay attention to the screen in front of me, which is no state to edit in. I would probably have made my book worse if I tried to edit like that. <--Valid excuse!! *cough*

Anyways, I did begin editing last night. And you know what? I edited for 45 whole minutes! You know how much I got edited?




One page.

Yep, 45 whole minutes and just a few paragraphs edited.

This…is going to take a while.

So, why did it take me that long? Well, for this book I am very determined to make it well written. I want clever words and flowing sentences, a nice story and interesting read. When I started this book I promised myself I would put 110% into it, and so that is what I am going to do. So yes, I spent 45 minutes editing a few paragraphs, criticizing every single word and examining  each punctuation mark until the poor little things squirmed. Tedious work indeed, but I think it is good for me. Plus, I actually quite enjoyed myself.

I shall continue on. Wear out my backspace button to its limits and choke my brain to its final thinking capacity. But at least I shall have a book that is edited!


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Swords of the Six Book Review

Swords of the Six CoverSynopsis
After being betrayed by his own greatest warriors one thousand years ago, the great white dragon hatches six human daughters, with his own dragon blood flowing within them, from eggs. Arming them with the very swords of the traitors’, the daughters are trained in the ways of the sword.

Six daughters, dragon blood flowing within their veins, are now sent off alone to bring one of the traitors to repentance, or justice.

Later, Ilfedo, a man of the woods, meets up with Dantress, the youngest but most powerful of the daughters, making their fates intertwine.

Betrayal and love circles this tale together until a great sacrifice brings it to a close.


Swords of the Six is a Christian, fantasy novel written by Scott Appleton. It is the first book in The Sword of the Dragon series.

I stumbled upon this book not too long ago while browsing through our Lifeway book store with my little sister. My sister and I immediately spotted it and both snatched it up in awe. What drew our attention? The cover. That beautiful, beautiful cover. Plus, it had a dragon on it! So it had to be good, right? Then, I flipped it over and found that Bryan Davis, my favorite author of all time, wrote a very positive review for it. When I open it up I found Wayne Thomas Batson, another author I like, also wrote a review for it. Plus, the description sounded intriguing. So that was it, we had to have this book. Unfortunately, it was not all I hoped for.

This book had great potential, but came short in many areas.

First, the grammar needed much work. When I first started it I thought some errors were missed during publishing, but was surprised to see this was just the style the author writes in, making it very difficult to get through. I am a total grammar Nazi, so I just had a really hard time reading this book with all the mistakes. Commas were missing all over, jumbling sentences together that forced me to reread them a second time or two in order to understand. In a great deal of parts, suffixes were misused. Some words ending in ed often needed to be ing words, and vise versa. The way the paragraphs were parted were often a bit strange. One of the greatest things that bothered me was his use of but and and. On a very constant bases, sentences began with but or and. I am perfectly fine doing that occasionally, but nearly every other sentence? No.

Second, the story in general was a bit bland. There was no great plotline, no thrilling suspense, no epic climax, nothing drove it anywhere. It was just one little scene after the other where you kept thinking something epic was going to happen, but it never came.

Third, there was not enough detail. I was often quite confused during some parts and just was really hoping for more explanations on things, thinking maybe they would come later, but they never did. I think the story really could have gone into much more depth.

One other thing that bothered me was there were scenes that were literally copied and pasted from earlier. Twice I saw this, one of which occurs quite a few times. There is a reoccurring dream one of the characters has, and each time, the dream is written exactly like the first time. I have no problem with the reoccurring dream, it was part of the story, but I think each time it could have been explained differently or just said it was repeated, not copy and pasted about four times I think. Not the end of the world, but just annoyed me a bit.

Now, this is not to say this book was all bad. There were some great messages within it and definitely a few interesting parts. I know it is getting a wide audience of fans, so this might just be my opinion. The author explained that this book is more of a prelude or prologue, if you will, to the rest of the series. I suspect things will go into more detail later and perhaps have a much more grander story line, so I am certainly not going to completely forget the series altogether. This story probably is more of a prologue to all the rest.

The story immediately begins right in the middle of a great battle scene against a fierce dragon. I was actually captivated during the first part with the exciting battle scenes and treacherous characters that come as the battle ends.

After an ending of traitors killing the good, the story moves to a thousand years later in the great white dragon’s grand palace where six eggs are about to be hatched. Out of these eggs comes six human daughters, the dragon’s blood flowing through their veins. The idea of a dragon being a father to six humans girls seemed intriguing and fun to me.

When they are a few years older, the white dragon bestows three rusted swords to each of his daughters, explaining these are the swords of the six traitors that betrayed him a thousand years ago. Now his daughters must learn to use them in order to put an end to the traitors, who have apparently cheated age with the use of magic (or at least I am pretty sure that is why they have lived so long. It did not go into great depth of that yet.)

All the first few chapters I found rather interesting, putting grammar flaws aside. I felt as though the author was building up a great plot. To my disappointment, the book did not get anymore exciting after the first chapters.

Soon after getting the swords, another timeframe jumps to the girls being near 17 years old. Now having grown greatly talented in swordplay, the dragon sends out his daughters to find the first traitor, Xavion, and put an end to him. Strangely, this is where the story does not really get anymore interesting. Though they do go find the traitor, nothing much really happens.

The book splits into two parts, and near the middle we jump to the second part that more covers the story of Ilfedo, a man who lives in an untamed wood. This part I was not exactly pulled in to. I felt more like I was reading a pioneer story than anything, which I do not like, especially when I am expecting a fantasy story with dragons.

So here you have much pioneer-type stuff, for most of the rest of the book is about Ilfedo.

The ending seemed a bit drab to me, and somewhat predictable. Not much of a climax or anything. Although it did give off a good message about sacrifice. The author has a good heart and I am pleased he uses his writing for the glory of God. I will always give points for that.^^

One thing I did mostly enjoy in this book was the battle scenes. Starting from the very beginning, there are quite a few conflicts placed here and there that were nicely written. The use of the six swords also interested me greatly. The swords, in the hands of the girls, had certain abilities and were used much throughout the story.

Though you do not see much of them, the villains I rather liked. You have rather scary winged humanoid creatures, devastating dragons, a powerful witch, some giant serpents, down to terrorizing bears, all of which played a good role and made for interesting fight scenes.

The setting of the book was very magnificent and fairytale-like. From the dragon’s magnificent palace to ruins of an once enormous fortress to the greenery of a fine forest, the lands seemed very enchanting and beautiful. I would have liked to have been given more of an explanation of the world it is set in, but being as how this is the first book I suspect more of that will come later.

There were definitely some Christian messages within the book, the greatest being that of the love of sacrifice, which was told beautifully. A strong contrast over good versus evil set the book well I thought, amongst other things here and there that I was pleased to see.

Though there was no great flaw with the characters I think they could have been better. As each of the six daughters hatched from their eggs, I was looking forward to getting to know each of them, but unfortunately did not get much of the chance.

Dantress is the main character and heroine of the story, as well as pretty much the only one you get to know very well of the six. I could never decide if I liked Dantress much or not. At some points I did, other times I thought her maybe a bit too perfect, while other times I was disappointed in her. It seemed like her character was a bit inconsistent.

The other daughters did not seem to have much personality, two of which I especially did not know what they were like at all. One part in the story made me very disappointed in these five girls, though they seemed to have a good heart throughout most of the book.

There were some characters I did rather like a good bit. The white dragon I was fond of, as well as his friend, a wise shepherd. Then there was Specter who was probably my favorite in the whole book. Ilfedo I did not have much of a problem with either, I think he was a fairly good character, although his character almost did not fit his lifestyle to me. Another somewhat inconsistent one.

All in all, the characters were fairly well done, but I think they could have been a lot better. Being as how this is more of a prelude to the rest of the series, I will not judge the characters yet, they might just need more “screen time”.

Appropriate Ages
With talking animals and a fairytale scenery, it would seem this book would be appropriate for the young, but I actually do not believe it is. While yes, there are some lovely places, the battle scenes can get quite gory. The entire theme seemed a bit more for an older audience, yet the writing and story I would think would point to the younger, so it is hard to say with this one.

The fights are definitely gory and the villains are very treacherous. My 13 year old sister desperately wanted to read it, but because of these things, and because she cannot handle gore very well, I decided she might should be just a little bit older.

I am in quite a quandary what ages to suggest. I do no think the young should read it, but adults might not find it greatly interesting either. I am thinking perhaps 14 or 15 years old and up for this one. It is all more in the matter of opinion of the person though.

I feel like this whole review is all negative, which I feel really bad about. This book did have some interesting things in it and a good message. I know it has a wide audience of fans, so I would not completely dismiss it.

As mentioned before, Swords of the Six is only a prelude to the rest of the The Sword of a Dragon series, which means there is most likely much more story, character development, and epic scenes to come. I am not going to quit the series here, think it can be an interesting story, and I think it might get to be that way. I honestly do not think I can give a proper review until I really have read the rest of the series. The second one, Offspring, is soon to be released, or perhaps already has been, so hopefully I can get my hands on it and see how this tale plays out.

Honestly though, I think it was worth the buy just to have that cover on my shelf. I mean, have you seen it? It is gorgeous!!

To put my opinion all into one sentence, I think Swords of the Six had great potential, but it was not ready to be published yet.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

That Evil Practice Known as Editing

We write and write and write, working so hard, long hours, days on end, sleepless nights, much coffee Coffeeconsumption, and then it is finally over…

Or is it?

After working on a long book, there is no better feeling than finishing it. Something I rarely do but get so much pleasure out of it once it is done. I feel like celebrating, telling everyone I know, jumping up and down and squealing a little…then a realization comes to me that brings me back to my feet, painfully.


Oh editing, I hate it. Writing is so much fun, but then once all those plot ideas are filled, those characters have finished their long journeys, those times of inspiration have past, those endless hours of tapping away on the keyboard joyfully have come to an end, it is time to climb down from those drifting clouds, put away that time of bliss, and get to business.

Time to edit.

Thrown Away PaperFor me, editing really breaks the blissful clouds that I rode on while writing, making me instead fall into a thick hole of mud, for as I reread through my story, look at the parts I thought were quite good, examine my plot I was so pleased with, visit my characters that I imagined were great, I realize I was utterly wrong. My scenes make no sense, my plot has way too many holes in it and is much too cliché, my characters are growing too drab, it all comes crashing down. I get so depressed and discouraged, wondering if it is even worth bothering spending all the time it would take to make this story even somewhat decent, or to just forget it and write something else…only to do the same thing.

Editing, well, is hard! You want to think you just need to add a comma here or there, but really it often takes great amounts of time and work, sometimes to the point of completely rewriting. Snipping out entire paragraphs and changing whole scenes is overwhelming, not to mention depressing at times. Yet it must be done.

So how am I going to go on with it? I have a few things that help with motivation.

One thing that drives me the most is my annoying perfectionist ways. I am a perfectionist, it is true, especially when it comes to cleaning. My brother jokes about me having OCD as far as cleaning goes; it just has to be done, and it has to be clean!! Everything. I am a neat-freak to the ultimate level. This not only goes for my room and the house, it also goes for my stories. I want them to be clean. I do not want any grammar flaws or misspells, weird sentences or plot holes, it needs to be perfect. Though I do annoy myself with my perfectionist ways, it is one drive that helps me to edit. Having everything clean, polished, and readable is great!

Another thing that helps with my editing process is that feeling of accomplishment I know I’ll have at the end. Just like when I finish writing a story, finishing it completely, edited and all, will be a feeling I cannot even imagine. (Oh yeah, have I mentioned I have not actually ever wholly finished a story, as far as editing goes? Eheh.)

One more thing I love is revisiting my characters and recounting their adventures with them. I love my characters. To a writer, characters are like the writer’s children or dearest friends. Reading back through my stories is like visiting an old friend. It is quite enjoyable. And going through those adventures with them again is very nice as well. I often get in the mood to edit just so I can see my characters again, or read a part of the book I liked.

Keeping those three things in mind helps drive me through that dreaded editing process.

Despite all this, one strange thing I have discovered about me is that I quite enjoy editing other’s work, even though I hate doing my own. For some reason it is so much easier to spot other’s mistakes. That sounds dreadful, but it is true. You might very well find a missing comma in someone else’s sentence and not even notice you have made the same mistake with your own. I actually enjoy editing other’s things so much I threw around the idea of becoming an editor at one point. That sounds totally crazy to me being as how I always say I hate editing and am dreadful at it, but that really just goes for my own things. But…I probably will not become an editor.

So why bring up editing today?Backspace Key

I have just recently finished writing a story, last Wednesday in fact, and it is now time to edit. Though I am a bit scared, I am actually almost looking forward to it. I think my favorite set of characters I have ever written about is in this story. Even though it has only been a week since I finished writing this book, I already miss them greatly. Still, I know it is going to be a lot of work. I want this book to be good, so I am going to try to do some very serious editing. Kinda scary…

In order to help my motivation I think I will keep up with my process on my blog here. Maybe share a sentence I found I liked now and again, or tell about any difficult editing I had to do that day. I don’t know what all, but it will definitely help me get through it.

So, in conclusion, editing is hard, yes. It is a lot of work and makes you see your once wonderful, fantastic story, into a muddied monster of doom and despair. Yet, in the end, once that mud has been scrubbed, chiseled, and perhaps even sawed off, your story can once again float in the clouds, shining brightly with cleanness, as you embrace that magical feeling of accomplishment.

Time to start editing…

Monday, August 22, 2011

My Grand Adventure of Writing

You have probably already figured this out, but I love to write! This blog will probably be a lot about my writing. I might sometimes post something about my characters, perhaps a sentence from my stories here and there, update on what I am writing or editing, give excerpts or a synopsis occasionally. Who knows? So I thought I’d post about the beginnings of my writing to now and what I like to write about. I figured it would be good to post about my writing first before delving into all that. Also, I thought if I update my blog with what is going on with my writing it will motivate me to write and to write blog posts. So it is a win-win deal there. And trust me, I often need lots and lots of motivation.

NotebooksMy adventure in the wacky world of writing began when I was at the age of nine. Someone in my homeschool group was passing out these papers that…well…I honestly have no memory what they were for, but I do remember they were advertising a bunch of different contests revolving around horses. You could draw a picture of a horse, take pictures, or write a story about horses, and such things as this. This got me thinking, why not try writing a story? That should be fun, right? So it began. I got out a fresh notebook, one of those Lisa Frank ones with a tiger on the front, went outside on this little grassy hill, and started a story about a girl finding a horse and befriending it. I adored horses (still do, actually!) so was enjoying this very much.

I had an absolute blast writing this story. Like I said, this was the first time I had ever really written a full story like this, and I realized how amazing writing really was. Nearly every evening I would go on that grassy hill with notebook and pencil in hand and write until it got too dark to see the words in front of me.

Then a problem arose. The beginning of a problem I still face even now with every story I ever write. A problem I wish I could fix but fear will never go away.

It was too long.

That contest wanted a short story, mine was becoming a novel. Well, that was okay. I did not need to enter this contest. Who cares about that? I had just discovered the joys of writing and I was going to keep on and make this story even longer.

And so I did.

PencilsFor months on end I wrote and wrote, bringing that notebook with me in the car, outside, wherever I went. Writing was fun. I began wondering why I had never tried this before. I had always loved reading, why not writing? Nevertheless, I had discovered my love for writing and have not regretted finding that contest once.

As time went on and I got a couple of years older, I decided to rewrite that story. I mean, my first full fledged story written when I was 9 was not exactly spectacular. My rewrite was not either… But at least I was improving, that is what counts, right?

At about ten or eleven was when I delved into writing fantasy. I had always loved fairy tales and such things when I was little, unconsciously knowing how much I really loved the fantasy thing. Not until I saw Lord of the Rings that is. It quite literally changed my life.

At the age of ten, Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring came out on DVD and my mom and brother were watching it and they decided I could join them as long as I closed my eyes during quite a few scenes. I cannot even express it. This was the beginning of my obsession with fantasy. Probably unhealthy obsession at that. (And my definitely unhealthy obsession with LotR.) I immediately started reading The Hobbit then Lord of the Rings, grew terribly crazy about fantasy elves (woodelves especially), and just all around insane about fantasy.

Why did I just jump from talking about writing to Lord of the Rings? Because all my conversations jump over to LotR in the end. Teehee, okay, really I just have to explain where my fantasy obsession came because that is such a big part of my writing. The only (important) part really.Sword3 (trans)

So yes, I was now a fantasy nut and realized I must begin writing fantasy. Actually, I discovered I wished to write nothing else. I started a story called The Grand Adventure (original, right?) about a girl getting sucked through a magical mirror into a fantasy world and going on a—you guessed it—grand adventure. Though dreadful as it is, I am quite fond of that story. It is something I literally worked on for years. First writing it all in a notebook, then revising it on the computer, all the way to completely rewriting it, which I sadly never finished doing. Still, it will always have a fond place in my heart.

I wrote a couple of other things after that one, things I never finished. I , sadly, have a terrible tendency to never finish stories.

Finally, when I was 16, I started a story that was actually a story that might, possibly, perhaps be worth reading. That is to say, it is not just a little, silly story I started when I was real young. This was a full fledged fantasy story called Orthadia. Now, three years later, will you believe I am still writing this story? 222k words in and only halfway through. Yep. But I am determined that one day I will finish Orthadia. I am rather fond of it, though it most likely is terrible. But someday it will be finished, even if I am 88 years old when it happens. Ridiculously long and all.

Now then, there is this website called which stands for National Novel Writing Month that I discovered a couple of years back. At this site, thousands of people participate in writing a 50k or more novel within the month of November. A ridiculous task that only insane writers will strive for. For, after all, all writers are quite insane. As crazy and difficult as this thing is, it is beyond fun. Once November gets closer I will definitely put up a full blog post about NaNoWriMo.

Anyways, I discovered this awesome thing but decided to wait until I was graduated to participate. Last year that time came. I had graduated in May and it was now September. Time to start thinking about this crazy thing often called NaNo.

Let’s just say I had the time of my life and am greatly anticipating this coming November. For my NaNo (as the novel you write for the month is often called) I, of course, wrote a high fantasy book about dragon riders. (Have I mentioned I am obsessed with dragons?) This was going to be the first book in a series of 8. I plan on starting the second one this NaNoWriMo.

KeyboardThough, being as how I was writing like a mad monkey, making my NaNo turn out ridiculously messy with grammar flaws littering every page and sentences that looked like a toddler wrote them, NaNoWriMo helped me with my writing in numerous ways. While, yes, I had always loved to write since that day I discovered it at the age of nine, I did not realize how truly passionate I could be. Not until last November. NaNoWriMo was so much fun, and—you know what?—it actually made me finish a book. I realized I could finish a book in a reasonable amount of time. It made me realize writing for long periods of time is fun. It made me discover my passion for writing again and even more so this time. Now half of the time I am talking about my writing to my family and friends, or in my room on my laptop typing away. I was telling my mom just the other day that if I could pick any job in the world it would be a fulltime, well-known author. I have just gotten so passionate with writing now.

Very soon after I finished my NaNo, I started another book sometime in February or March and have just finished it a few days ago and raring to start the next. Actually finishing books and wanting to write near everyday is a new thing, and I am lovin’ it!

There are a couple of flaws with my passion for writing though.

First, I write too long stories!!! You just don’t even know. Remember when I said Orthadia is 222k words and not near done? Yep, that tells it all there. My NaNo, which is going to be 8 books should be rather short each book. I was not planning on going anymore than 100k words each. Guess what it turned out to be? 211k. I mean…seriously? Ugh! I cannot have 8 books each that long! To give you an idea, I believe Lord of the Rings is roughly around 400k words. This problem started from the very beginning with my first silly, little horse story and has just gotten worse as it goes on. This other story I just wrote I was so determined to make it no more than 80k. It ended up being 100k. I guess that is better than the others, but still. Why am I so incapable of writing short things? Even semi-long things? Nooo. They have to be ridiculously long. Ho hum.

Second, I am a perfectionist, my worst critic. I am never happy with what I write. I work forever on a story then realize my plot is way too cliché or totally ridiculous, my sentences are blah, I am completely unoriginal, yadda yadda. I am just never satisfied with anything. I personally think my stuff is terrible, and this depresses me greatly. Maybe I am wrong, but I doubt it…

Though I would do anything to be a published author. Or even get one thing published. But I seriously doubt that will ever happen. You know what though? That is okay. I do not write to publish. I showed myself that at the very beginning when I realized I could care less about sending in my little horse story to that contest and instead just enjoy writing it. I have held on to that. I love writing. It is what makes me happy. I write fantasy because it helps me get away from the real world, if only for a time. It is my happy place. I would go insane if I could not write. So I am never going to stop writing just because I might not get anything published or no one even reads any of my writings. I am going to write until my poor fingers fall off from all the typing. Writing is  a deep passion of mine. And I will be doing it forever.

I am sure that some are born to write as trees are born to bear leaves: for these, writing is a necessary mode of their own development.
- C.S. Lewis

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Song of the Ovulum Book Review

This review contains slight spoilers but nothing that should ruin the story for you.

Song of the Ovulum CoverSynopsis
It has been fifteen years since Billy, Bonnie, and the rest of the gang discovered the truth about their dragon heritage and went on a dangerous and amazing adventure. After saving the word and even other worlds with it they thought it was finally time to settle down and live the rest of their life in peace. Unfortunately, they were wrong.

The world put up with the idea of dragons and humans with dragon traits for a while, but soon began seeing them as a threat. Now the people enslave all those with dragon blood, leaving these old heroes separated from their loved ones, or imprisoned and tortured.

After struggling through turmoil in foster care, 16 year old Matt joined military school where he proved to be one of the best. Now a strange man comes up to him claiming Matt has dragon traits and asking for help to save Matt’s parents he never even knew he had. Can Matt use his military training to help these odd people who are supposedly his parents?

Lauren, after going through foster care herself, finally had adoptive loving parents and a seemingly normal life. In one night all that crashes around her when a winged man and ghost-like woman capture her and destroy everything she knew and loved, claiming she has a mysterious gift that they need use of. Something she does not even know about herself.

In a tight, secure base the characters struggle to release their loved ones and put right all the wrong that was done. But is it possible within a base filled with guards, guns, spotlights, and even tanks?

From Bible times to present day, odd humans with even stranger special traits, old foes and new, faith and newfound love, and a raging battle against dragons and high-tech machinery, Song of the Ovulum is a fast paced novel you will get dragged into immediately.


Song of the Ovulum is a contemporary, Christian, fantasy novel and is the first book in the Children of the Bard series, a continuation of the Dragons in Our Midst and Oracles of Fire series by Bryan Davis. This series takes place fifteen years after the last series ends, introducing new characters while also reuniting with old.

If you have not read the Dragons in Our Midst and Oracles of Fire series I highly suggest you do before picking this book up. While there is a summary of the last series in the back of Song of the Ovulum there is still some confusion that might take place for the reader. Nearly all the old characters return while very many mentions from old events are referred to. Besides, the other series are fantastic! A review for the Dragons in Our Midst and Oracles of Fire series can be seen two posts under this one, in the ‘Book Reviews’ link on the side, or you can click Here.

As the synopsis suggests, Song of the Ovulum is mainly set in a high secure, military base specially designed for imprisoning dragons and “anthrozils”, humans with dragon traits. While many old characters appear, the main characters you see are Matt and Lauren as they try to help the others free Billy, Bonnie, and Ashley (three anthrozils themselves) from this dangerous prison while attempt not being captured themselves. Not only is this a near impossible task because of the many armed guards, fences, and spotlights, there is also unearthly villains stalking their paths and causing much trouble.

While the heroes in present day are going through great lengths and struggles within the dangerous facility, the story also jumps back to Bible times, starting all the way to a couple of days before the flood. Here the reader is introduced to Joran and Selah, a brother and sister who are known as Listeners, having the unique ability to make barriers from song and music with the use of a special lyre. They know that the flood is coming and are dreading being swept up into its waters and drown with the rest. Both are quite surprised when they are instead swept inside a strange object known as an Ovulum, a glass orb of sorts. As the siblings attempt to find their key of escape from this curious place, they step through events in time, from the great flood to medieval days all the way to the present, learning many lesson with each step.

Just as all of Bryan Davis’s other stories, this book pulls the readers in immediately and will not allow them to let go. Excitement, danger, heartache, and love are all woven into Song of the Ovulum that makes one beg for more.

Being a continuation of the other series, Song of the Ovulum brings in many old characters as well as introduces new ones. I found this most exciting. I got a thrill every time one of the old characters appeared and kept anticipating seeing more and more, they were all as lovable as before and make for wonderful story telling. Then you have your new characters. Bryan Davis proves his amazing talent for character making once more. I loved every single new character introduced right from the start and that love just grew more and more as the story continued. Mr. Davis never makes for flat characters, which is one of the many reason why all his stories as so wonderful.

The villains introduced, old and new, were just what I want a villain to be, scary but intriguing. Bryan Davis does not make your run-of-the-mill villains. From a winged-man, an ancient mad scientist, to a near ghost lady, the readers are captivated by these strange people and absorbed into the story wanting to know more and more what these evil beings’ plans really are.

Other Material
Song of the Ovulum is a Christian story with many Christian values written expertly within it. The biggest theme of this book is God’s great mercy, and is told in a beautiful way that brought tears to my eyes.

The love the characters showed one another in Dragons and Our Midst and Oracles of Fire was one of the greatest reasons I loved those books, and this series is proving to be no different. Such self-sacrificing and willingness to do anything for one another helped put that same passion within my own heart.

I loved this book intensely, and it was amazing to see all those characters I love so much back again, but there is one thing negative about it. While it is great to read about all the characters again and have even more books from the Dragons and Our Midst and Oracles of Fire series, it is also rather sad. After reading the last series I think most readers wanted the dear characters to finally live ‘happily every after’ after all they had been through. Unfortunately, that is far from what they got. While, yes, I was glued to the pages and hypnotized with the story, as well as squeeing for joy every time another old character made an appearance, I was also rather sad throughout it for their sakes. Nevertheless, I still highly suggest reading this new series if you enjoyed the others.

Appropriate Ages
Though love and mercy flow within the pages of Song of the Ovulum, this book is filled with imprisonment and suffering, making it not the best read for younger ones. Though not seen often, there is much mention of ‘science’ experiments done on the anthrozils and torture in the terrifying prison. Things get rather intense as the characters attempt to sneak around the secure facility. Then you have guns, tanks, and fire breathing dragons battling together.

I am making this sound graphic, it is not really, but I would not suggest it for young people. Teens and adults alike, on the other hand, will find it most enjoyable.

Just as the Dragons and Our Midst and Oracles of Fire series, I would suggest the very least be 14 years in age.

Bryan Davis did it again, bringing back his old beloved series and making it new and exciting. This book was spectacularly written, with an exciting plot and amazing characters, old and new. If you have read the Dragons and Our Midst and Oracles of Fire series and enjoyed them then Song of the Ovulum should be your next book purchase.

I cannot wait for the next book!!