
Monday, March 21, 2011

Weekly Bible Verse Memorization

As you have probably noticed, I have a Bible Verse of the Week on the side bar. Each Monday I shall change it to a new one. Why am I pointing this out? Well, my little sister and I are going to memorize one verse from the Bible every week, and the verse I put on the side there will be the one we are currently memorizing. To anyone reading this or interested, I thought I would ask you to join us. Memorizing one verse a week is actually very simple and barely takes anytime at all to do. Plus, it is very, very rewarding.

The Bible says-

“Thy Word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee.”
Psalm 119:11

It is very important to God that we learn His Word and keep it in our heart; for if we have His truths lying in our hearts, they serve as armor to guard against the evil of the world and the fiery darts Satan throws at us. As we struggle day to day, a verse might pop into our heads to help us with whatever situation we face. Then there are the others around us who might need guidance. Opportunity arises at very unexpected times, so having verses ready and memorized is very important for countless situations.

What my little sister and I do is we get a piece of paper and colored pencils, then write down the verse and decorate our paper. After it is all prettified, we hang it somewhere in our rooms where we will see it every day. This way it is quite easy to memorize. I have mine hanging on my desk where I see it very often. Writing it out also helps memorize it. You can use any system you like, this is just how we do it. It makes it fun!^^

Just think of how many verses you will have memorized if you keep this up for an entire year. And then two. Then three. How rewarding that will be!

The Lord’s Word is beautiful and sharper than any two-edged sword. Just one verse a week is so simple, and yet so very, very rewarding.

Bible and Key

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Hello Spring!

Today marks the first day of Spring! Spring has always been my favorite season, not too hot, not too cold. Everything starts to grow green again and the world is dappled in color as the flowers bloom and blossom. Even now I see bees out my window buzzing around doing their busy bee-like business (enough B’s for you?). It makes me smile.

Sun in the Trees

I love Spring because it gives me a sense of newness. Upon the trees, small green leaves are replacing the old with a freshness of life and protection and greenery to the land once they have grown. Buds are sprouting everywhere, promising beauty to the world. Light green grass is replacing the brown dried up leaves of Fall and Winter, spreading its merriment across the ground. Saplings are popping up, seeing daylight for the very the first day of the many hundred years to follow as they grow into flourishing trees. Baby birds are poking their beaks out of the shells and making their first sounds of life. Everything is new and fresh and lovely. You can almost feel the flower buds’ excitement as they anxiously await to finally open up and kiss the sun’s rays after waiting for so long through the cold months.

It’s that joyfulness of life that makes me want to take my shoes off and dance in the newly formed grass.

Life. Something so amazing that even the smartest of scholars cannot always understand. Just as the buds await their day to bloom and see the sun’s light smile down on them, we await our day to become blossoming flowers and see our Savior, Jesus Christ, smile upon us. With this newness of life spreading across the country, I think we should freshen ourselves and work towards that goal of blossoming into beautiful flowers that welcome the light instead of shuddering in the darkness.

As the world receives new life, we should as well by giving our life to Christ and work our way to those blooming flowers. It is joyous, amazing…beautiful.

Before you know it, those buds you see out your window will be blossoming flowers, reflecting the sun’s light and making the world lovely. Shall we join them?

Pink Flowers

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Elf’s First Musings

Hello to all those reading this!^_^ My name is Lauriloth and this is my first-ish blog; ‘ish,’ because I started a blog about 3 or 4 years ago and never did a thing with it. But this one is all new and fresh and I -hope- to actually use it! Winking smile

My biggest obsessions are elves (fantasy elves of course, not Christmas Elves :/), fantasy, Lord of the Rings, writing, reading, and the piano. But most of all Jesus Christ! I have a completely beloved little grey poodle named Navi (who is most spoiled), and a laptop whom I call Larry to which I will be blogging from. My favorite color is pink and I love pizza (but who doesn’t?).

Writing (and reading) is my biggest past time and a major hobby of mine, so I thought making a blog might help improve any skills I might possess (if any) with writing. It might also strengthen my passion for it. So I think it is a win, win either way. Plus, blogging seems like tons of fun!^^

What will this blog be about? That is a good question…too bad it does not have an answer. All right, it sort of does. Basically this blog will be about whatever my insanely random mind thinks up to post. There might be some posts about my current interest, may it be a TV show, movie, song, book I have become obsessed with, or maybe just the color pink or a post about pencils (which I am both very fond of, just so you know). There will probably be plenty of things the Lord has shown me that I would like to share with others. As an avid reader, I am going to try to put up book reviews whenever I can; there will most likely be plenty of those. And you can count on lots of random musings from this elf.

So how does one end a blog post? How about with a question for you to think about or comment on? Questions are fun.
Why are pencils so fantastically fantastical?

(I have a thing for pencils…)